
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pillows for The Looney

My bench seat in The Looney is in desperate need of some pillows!! Not only will they look cute, they will make sitting there much more comfortable. 

When we were on the Circle Tour I started making all these little hexies. I had no plan for the little things when I was done with them. But by the time I finished I knew they would make a perfect pillow top, so that is what they have become.

As I was thinking about what to do for my next pillow I came across this adorable 'Pugly' pattern from Sublime Stitching. As a pug owner I understand the whole 'ugly and cute at the same time' deal... I couldn't resist, so I whipped this up last weekend. 

I will need to make one more pillow and I'm thinking it might be crocheted, we'll see. I've got all winter now to finish these up so it might be spring before you see the final product. I have a tendency to not finish something until I need it.... hence the stack of UFO's in my sewing room closet!!


  1. I just love pugly! ! Those pillows are going to be so super cute in there!!
    Your sewing and stitching is as always, beautiful! xo

  2. Love your pillow cover!!! Sooo very adorable and love the pug stitches!! It turned out sooo cute!! :) Happy new week! xo Holly

  3. The hexie pillow cover is great! I love that you used red stitches. And great job on pugly too! Two very sweet projects.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Erica :)
