The lady at Little Enchantments said they only sell kits from Real Good Toys because of the quality craftsmanship. As I was thumbing through the catalog and browsing their web site, I fell in love with the Beachside Bungalow which ended up being my Christmas gift! My mom saw that I pinned the doll house on Pinterest and (sneaky lady) bought it for me for Christmas.
Last weekend we got started on all the painting. Eleanor choose a light yellow for her Victorian style home. I choose a pretty beachy aqua color for mine. We need to get one coat of paint on the entire house, windows, railings and interior before we can glue it together. There is a lot to paint so that's what we'll be working on for the next couple weeks. Stay tuned for our progress.
Eleanor's Princess Anne
Eleanor painting the exterior |
Painted exterior |
My Beachside Bungalow
Since we are stuck inside in the Minnesota ice box I'm glad we have a fun project to work on!!
Have a great day!